UPS Welcomes Arsène Ochou

After 6-months of fruitful collaboration, Arsène Ochou, a PhD postgraduate student from the Felix Houphouët-Boigny University (FHBU), Côte d’Ivoire, will soon be returning home. Arsène has been visiting Dr Corrine Galy-Lacaux at the Laboratory of Aerology (LAERO), CNRS/University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (UPS), as part of the H2020 MSCA-RISE INSA project.
Based in the LASMES (Science of Matter, Environment and Solar Energy) Laboratory at FHBU, Arsène is completing his thesis: Physico-chemical characterization of atmospheric aerosols and quantification of their deposition: a study of the sources of influence and pluri-annual analysis of aerosols collected on the site of Lamto in the Ivory Coast, under the supervision of Prof. Véronique Yoboué (FHBU, Côte d’Ivoire), Dr Corinne Galy-Lacaux (LAERO, CNRS, France), and Dr Beatrice Marticorena (LISA, CNRS, France).
During his stay, Arsène has worked primarily on validating the aerosol chemical composition database for the site of Lamto. This has included training in the LAERO chemical analysis service with Eric Gardrat and Maria Dias Alvès. Arsène has also begun calculating and interpreting the monthly, seasonal and annual evolution in relation to the main aerosols’ atmospheric sources of influence.
Before returning home, Arsène will be making a trip to Paris to visit the Inter-university Laboratory of Atmospheric Systems (LISA) and the Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment (LSCE). These visits will allow Arsène to complete the database by evaluating INDAAF aerosol measurements performed at Lamto since 2016 (mass concentrations and mass particle deposition fluxes) and to learn more about the ZeFir tool for wind sector and source apportionment. The visits will also provide an important opportunity to create and strengthen links with scientists at the two laboratories.