INSA secondments continue: UPS welcomes Frédi Agbohessou and Mamadou Ciss!

The Aerology Laboratory (LAERO), a joint research unit under the University Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier and the CNRS, is delighted to announce the safe arrival of two guest researchers from the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA), Dakar, Senegal.
Yelognisse Frédi Agbohessou, is a PhD student under the supervision of Claire Delon, a CNRS researcher at LAERO. Frédi’s research looks to improve estimates of the carbon and nitrogen budget for Sahelian landscapes in Africa, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soils.
Frédi will spend the next three months working with Claire Delon (LAERO), Eric Mougin (GET) and Manuela Grippa (GET) on the parameterization, calibration and validation of the Sahelian Transpiration, Evaporation and Productivity model that is used to investigate soil processes leading to GHG emissions and produce 2D maps of GHG fluxes at the scale of Sahelian landscapes.
Mamadou Ciss is a Research Fellow at ISRA, specializing in spatially explicit mathematical models for ecological systems. Mamadou will spend nearly two months in Toulouse, working with Claire Delon (LAERO) and Eric Mougin (GET) on including estimates of nitrogen supplied to the soil via animal faeces to improve the carbon and nitrogen cycle modelling in Dahra, Senegal.