
Les résultats du projet INSA seront partagés sur cette page au cours du projet. Les résultats comprennent :

D1.1Project progress report 1
D1.2Mid-term meeting report
D1.3Project progress report 2
D2.1Determination of temporal variations for N contents in soils, vegetation, atmosphere and aquatic systems
D2.2Calculations of N wet and dry deposition fluxes
D2.3Data compilation on N contents and lateral fluxes
D2.4Report on N deposition fluxes
D2.5Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) related to technical skills
D3.1Training manual for implementing NANI approaches and methods for assessing N fluxes via hydrological and gaseous pathways
D3.2Data compilation from literature and synthesis of current knowledge
D3.3Nitrogen species (NOx, NH3) emission inventory for the 2015-2020 period and beyond (combustions)
D3.4Report on N balances for selected regions in Africa to be included in the policy brief
D3.5Report on NANI for major continental watersheds
D3.6Quantification of nitrogen loads and transfers from terrestrial to aquatic systems (waste water)
D4.1Synthesis of existing data on impacts of excess of nitrogen on ecosystems.
D4.2Quantification and analysis of the impact of interactive nitrogen emissions on atmospheric chemistry and regional radiative forcing based on RegCM
D4.3Calculation of critical loads using SSMB, comparison with deposition fluxes at the site scale and assessment of the sites in excess of nitrogen deposition
D4.4First tests of a regionalization of the SSMB approach
D4.5Projections and analysis of the evolution of the regional N cycle under the effect of climate change, emission change and land use change in RegCM
D4.6Synthesis between earth system modelling results and studies on Nitrogen Use Efficiency and agriculture
D5.1Project Branding and Website
D5.2Initial Data Management Plan
D5.3First workshop (Côte d’Ivoire)
D5.4Second workshop (Kenya)
D5.5Policy brief, guidelines for adaptation and mitigation on nitrogen use
D5.6Final Data Management Plan
D6.1POPD – Requirement No. 2

*L’accès aux livrables est réservé aux participants du projet
