Fabrice Gangneron and Mehdi Saqalli return to Côte d’Ivoire
After a first 10-day exploratory secondment in February 2022, Dr Fabrice Gangneron (GET) and Dr Mehdi Saqalli (GEODE) returned to Côte d’Ivoire in November to continue their research.

This second secondment, lasting 3 weeks, was an opportunity to complete a second field mission, in the commune of Bodokro to the east of Bouaké. They had two primary objectives: first, to document maintenance techniques for ground fertility using farmers’ testimonies, and second, to map the circulation of the agricultural and related products from local markets.
The secondment also allowed Fabrice and Mehdi to consolidate relations with Dr Akoua Adayé and Dr Eugène Kouadio Konan, two geographers at the University Felix Houphouët Boigny specialising in land and agriculture. Two collaborations are planned: the co-direction of a Master 2 student in geomatics, whose internship will start in January 2023; and their reception for a month as guest researchers in Toulouse in June of the same year. The INSA network is expanding!