
Second INSA workshop in Kenya

The second INSA workshop, held in Nairobi and Wundanyi, Kenya, in November 2023, focused on hydrological and gaseous fluxes of nitrogen in different systems in Africa. It brought together more than 35 people, including representatives of the INSA consortium, researchers, lecturers and students from Kenyan and other African and European universities, as well as stakeholders […]


APDOC take their school program to Kenya!

After a first trip to the Ivory Coast in 2022, the organisation Les Petit.e.s Débrouillard.e.s d’Occitanie (APDOC) returned to the African continent in September 2023. However, this time, Étienne and Zoé, their two facilitators, flew to Kenya where they stayed for 2 months!   This trip was part of the INSA (Integrated Nitrogen Studies in […]


2022 Désertif’Actions Summit

Dr Madina Doumbia and Dr Adama Bakayoko, from the University Felix Houphouet Boigny (UFHB), Côte d’Ivoire, recently participated in the 2022 Désertif’Actions summit, held in Montpellier from the 5th to the 8th of October. The meeting brought together NGOs, scientists, local authorities, international institutions, as well as actors from the private and public sectors to […]


Preparations begin for the next INSA Workshop: Kenya 2023

The INSA coordination team, Dr Claire Delon (LAERO, CNRS), Dr Corinne Galy-Lacaux (LAERO, CNRS) and Pr Dominique Serça (LAERO, Paul Sabatier University), recently spent two weeks in Kenya to begin preparations for the next INSA workshop, to be held in October 2023. The team met with Dr Sonja Leitner from ILRI, Kenya; Dr Gretchen Gettel […]

New Paper Alert: “A shift from cattle to camel and goat farming can sustain milk production with lower inputs and emissions in north sub-Saharan Africa’s drylands”

In their recent publication in Nature Food, Jaber Rahimi (Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and co-authors find that shifting herd composition in north sub-Saharan Africa’s (NSSA) drylands by decreasing cattle and increasing the proportion of goats and camels can secure milk production while decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water […]


INSA at the Festival of Science in Toulouse

On Saturday 15 October, the Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees (OMP) in Toulouse, France, is opening its doors to the public for a day of workshops, demonstrations and mini-conferences that will allow people to discover a plethora of research projects related to the sciences of the universe and the environment. Subjects range from the small fish of the […]

Nitrogen detectives, between air and soil, scientists recount…

In February 2022, Alexandre Eissautier and Clem Samson, two scientific facilitators from Les Petit.e.s Débrouillard.e.s d’Occitanie (APDOC), a not-for-profit populaire science education organisation, interviewed eight women scientists about their careers. These interviews took place as part of the first INSA workshop, held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. It is hoped that these insightful and candid interviews […]


New Paper Alert: “Nitrogen budget and critical load determination at a Sahelian grazed grassland site”

Claire Delon (Laboratoire d’Aérologie, CNRS, Université de Toulouse) and co-authors recently published their paper, Nitrogen budget and critical load determination at a Sahelian grazed grassland site, in the journal Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. The paper’s co-authors (see full list below) include five participants of the INSA project (Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Ousmane Ndiaye, Dominique Serça, Eric Mougin […]


The nitrogen paradox explained to young people

Adama Bakayoko, a PhD student at the University of Felix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB) and Physics and Chemistry teacher at Bingerville Modern College, was recently awarded a certificate of distinction from the latter for his important work facilitating workshops with high-school students on the “Nitrogen Paradox”. The workshops were run by Alexandre Eissautier and Clarisse Samson, two […]

